During the 18th, 19th and 20th of August, at RPPN Regua – Guapiaçu Ecological Reserve, the SISS-Geo Fiocruz team, together with the technical team from the General Coordination of Zoonoses, the General Coordination of Arboviruses and Systems of the Ministry of Health, worked together to integrate wild and urban zoonoses into SISS-Geo.
The choice of RPPN REGUA as the location for the workshop was due to the alignment of the teams involved in the efforts to bring government institutions and NGOs closer to the objectives for implementing initiatives for One Health, in addition to the logistics and the comfortable and safe environment for holding workshops.
The SISS-Geo Urban Zoonoses Workshop was a hybrid meeting with in-person participation at the REGUA Lodge in Cachoeira de Macacu, Rio de Janeiro and also online. The activity is a strategic part of the pilot project for the structuring and expansion of the Wildlife Health Information System (SISS-Geo) to hosts of urban zoonoses.
More information at: http://www.biodiversidade.ciss.fiocruz.br

Data: 06/09/21