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The Common Parauque

The Common Parauque (Nyctidromus albicollis) is indeed one of the more common nightbirds that we hear when walking our paths at night. Rubies of light reflect our car’s headlights warning that it's on the path just ahead of us. The Parauque's characteristic call is distinctive as is its circular flight to land. However, where does it go during the day?

The Common Parauque is very well camouflaged on the forest's leaf litter. Occasionally, we have the opportunity to see a couple of miniature ghostly white oval eggs on the forest floor with no evidence of a nest.

What an interesting and enigmatic bird this is!

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Guapiaçu Ecological Reserve

Address: Faz. Serra do Mar, w/nº, Guapiaçu - Cachoeiras de Macacu/RJ

Postal Code: 28.680-000

Phone: +55 21 98370-6712



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