The Screech owl (Megascops atricapilla) belongs to the Strigidae family, which includes all species of owls in Brazil, with the exception of the Barn owl (Tyto furcata). The Screech owl is found in southeastern Brazil, northern Argentina and eastern Paraguay. According to the IUCN classification, it is classified as Least Concern (LC). Like most owls, it is a crepuscular owl that feeds on a variety of insects, rodents, small mammals and small birds. It uses hollow tree cavities and abandoned nests to nest. These owls are associated with dense, well-preserved rainforests.
This bird was recorded by Adilei Cunha, who had been listening to its call for a few days, not far from his house, and decided one night to venture into the forest in search of it!

Data: 01/06/2021