On this page are the research projects that are currently being carried out at REGUA.
The list is organised with the name of the institution and purpose of the research.
UERJ -Evaluating the potential impact of deforestation on frog species specialised in pools formed by seasonal rains, using artificial pools opened in pastures;
UERJ -The role of hummingbird pollination in the Heliconiaceae family;
UERJ -The role of pollination in different plant families;
UERJ -The objective is to monitor ectoparasites and endoparasites of small terrestrial and flying mammals along with blood screening, including with bats;
UERJ -Environmental Scientific Photography Nucleus – collection of dynamic and static images at REGUA since 2010, with the aim of using visual perception as a way of bringing man closer to the environment that surrounds him. The collection has 4,500 images and this material has been identified and made available for education and research purposes, in addition to understanding the local biodiversity;
UFRJ -Paths of the Atlantic Forest Project;
UFRJ -Distribution of arachnids on the REGUA Green Trail;
UFRJ -Creation of an inventory of native bee species responsible for pollination of weeds and shrubby plants in the region, and floristic survey of shrubs and vines;
UFRJ -Sampling of water from wetlands to compare with samples from other areas (availability of phytoplankton);
UFRJ/Standford University -Study of the macroscopic scale and genetics of tapir feces;
UFRJ -Study of the ecology of wild cats, investigating: the patterns of
jaguar and ocelot activity, distribution at different altitudes and population density;
UFRJ -Analysis of nutrient cycles in aquatic systems.
UFRJ -Member of Refauna's DNA-Metabarcoding team to map the plant species that are fruiting in REGUA through the process of seed dispersal by tapirs;
UFRJ -The importance of seed dispersal by ants in restored areas;
UFRJ -The use of topsoil (superficial soil) as a source of symbiotic microbial organisms for restoration purposes;
UFRJ -Experiments include studies on weed control and use of sewage sludge biosolids as planting fertilizer, use of herbicides on pre-emergent species and direct seeding practices;
UFRJ -Evaluate the structure, richness and community composition of vascular epiphytes occurring on isolated trees in an agricultural landscape mosaic with different degrees of land use intensity;
FIOCRUZ -Long Term Ecological Research Program (PELD) at Mosaico Central Fluminense;
FIOCRUZ - Carrying out studies on biodiversity, taxonomy and ecology at FIOCRUZ follow all studies on bats carried out at REGUA since 2010; mosquitoes in different Brazilian biomes by the Laboratory of Hematozoan Transmitting Mosquitoes (LATHEMA/FIOCRUZ);
UNIRIO -Forest ecology;
UNIRIO -Compare drone images of restored areas in REGUA;
University of British Columbia - Understand the flow of energy and nutrients in ecological systems;
University of Porto -Reproductive behavioral study of cougars in different seasons, dry and wet;