REGUA has as its institutional mission the restoration and conservation of the Atlantic Forest and its biodiversity. This mission has long-term goals and aims to ensure the safety of the environment in favour of a more ecologically sustainable future.
For this purpose to be effective, the institution, through donations and sponsorships from various entities, seeks to negotiate new acquisitions of land potentially subject to deforestation, or areas that have already lost their natural vegetation but that can be restored.

There are many challenges for a region to maintain the full authenticity biodiversity that makes it such an important region. Some of the biggest risks to this are deforestation and illegal hunting. REGUA seeks to confront these activities with reforestation of deforested areas and the continuous work of its Rangers who patrol tirelessly to prevent such actions, as well as carry out maintenance of the Reserve's trails.
REGUA's Rangers - © REGUA
In addition to the practical fight against illegal actions aimed at threatening biodiversity, REGUA maintains awareness and education as one of its greatest tools for protecting the environment. Projects such as the Young Ranger programme, aim to introduce young people from surrounding communities to the valuable relationship between people and nature. REGUA seeks, based on the sharing of knowledge, to reduce human actions which may threaten biodiversity, to promote a greater sense of belonging, respect and cooperation of society with the environment. The long-term result of these actions will be seen over time, however, it is already possible to see positive changes.

Southern muriqui (Brachyteles Arachnoides) - © REGUA

Tapir and her calf on the REGUA yellow trail -
© Josh Shaw
Currently, REGUA has already created, together with the State Institute for the Environment (INEA), the constitution of 5 RPPNs. A RPPN is defined as a Private Natural Heritage Reserve, therefore, REGUA is responsible for the conservation and protection of these areas. The combined area of the 5 RPPNs under the responsibility of REGUA totals 730 hectares, and is in constant growth, as new areas are acquired and merged into new RPPNs.