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  1. PENEDO-JULIEN, S.; A. KÜNNE, R. BARDY PRADO & L. RIBBE. 2019. A Tool to Assess Land Use Impacts on Surface Water Quality: Case Study from the Guapi-Macacu River Basin in Rio de Janeiro. In: Nehren, U., Schlüter, S., Raedig, C., Sattler, D., Hissa, H. (Eds.): Strategies and tools for a sustainable rural Rio de Janeiro. Springer Series on Environmental Management. Springer, Cham: pp 295-309.


  1. NAEGELI DE TORRES, F.; R. RICHTER & E. C. C. FIDALGO, 2019. Multicriteria Site Prioritization for Land Rehabilitation in the Guapi-Macacu Watershed, Rio de Janeiro. pp.405-421 In: Nehren U., S. Schlϋter, C. Raedig, D. Sattle, H. Hissa (eds) Strategies and Tools for a Sustainable Rural Rio de Janeiro. Springer Series on Environmental Management. Springer, Cham.

  2. NAEGELI DE TORRES, F.; R. RICHTER & M. VOHLAND. 2019. A multisensoral approach for high-resolution land cover and pasture degradation mapping in the humid tropics: A case study of the fragmented landscape of Rio de Janeiro. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 78(5):189-201.


  1. BRAGA, M. R. A. 2008. Orquidófilos trabalhando pela Conservação da Mata Atlântica. Orquidário 22(1): 19-29.   

  2. BRAZ, M. I. G.;  R. M. FERREIRA, R. Q. PORTELA & E. A. DE MATTOS. 2016. Ample germination ability under wide-ranging environmental conditions in a common understory tropical palm. Plant Species Biology 31: 211–218.  

  3. BRAZ, M. I. G.; R. Q. PORTELA, L. H. MENEZES et al. 2014. Germination niche breadth differs in two co-occurring palms of the Atlantic Rainforest. Nat Conser. 12: 124-128.

  4. FINOTTI, R.;  B. C. KURTZ, R. CERQUEIRA  &  I. GARAY. 2012. Variação na estrutura diamétrica, composição florística e características sucessionais de fragmentos florestais da bacia do rio Guapiaçu  (Guapimirim / Cachoeiras de Macacu, RJ, Brasil). Acta bot. Bras., 26: 453-464.

  5. LOPES, C. M.; D. BAÊTA, T. SASSO, A. VANZETTI, K. R. ZAMUDIO, P. TABERLET & C. F. B. HADDAD, 2020. Power and limitations of environmental DNA metabarcoding for surveying leaf litter eukaryotic communities. Environmental DNA, 3: 528– 540.

  6. PORTELA, R. Q.; A. S. PIRES, M. I. G. BRAZ & E. A. Mattos. 2017. Species richness and density evaluation for plants with aggregated distributions: fixed vs. variable area methods. Journ. Plant Ecol., 10: 765-770.  

  7. SEOANE, C. E. S. 2007. Efeitos da Fragmentação Florestal sobre o Sistema de Reprodução e a Imigração de Sementes em Remanescentes Populacionais de Euterpe edulis Martius. Documentos (Embrapa Florestas)  CD-ROM 1: 152

  8. SEOANE, C. E. S.; P. Y. KAGEYAMA, A. RIBEIRO et al. 2006. Efeitos da fragmentação florestal sobre a imigração de sementes e a estrutura genética temporal de populações de Euterpe edulis Mart.. Revista do Instituto Florestal (São Paulo); 17 (1): 25-43.

  9. THIER, O. & J. WESENBERG. 2016. Floristic composition and edge-induced homogenization in tree Communities in the fragmented Atlantic rainforest of Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. Tropical Conservation Science, 9(2): 852-876.


  1. ALMEIDA-GOMES, M; J. A. PREVEDELLO, D. L. SCARPA  & J. P. METZGER. 2016. Teaching landscape ecology: the importance of field oriented, inquiry-based approaches. Landscape Ecol. 31: 929–937. 10.1007/s10980-016-0338-1

  2. ALTIVO, F.; & P. RODRIGUES, F. 2017. Funcionalidade ecológica da restauração de áreas degradadas no Bioma Mata Atlântica, Rio de JANEIRO. Brazilian Journal of Environmental Sciences (Online), 43: 17-31.

  3. AZEVEDO, A. D.; R. CAMARA, M. R. FRANCELINO, M. PEREIRA & P. S. S. LELES. 2018. Estoque de Carbono em áreas de restauração floretal da Mata Atlântica. FLORESTA, Curitiba. 48: 183- 194. i2.54447

  4. CABREIRA, W. V.; M. G. PEREIRA, V. M. M. MENDONÇA, R. P. MOREIRA et. al. 2021. Effect of strategies for controlling spontaneous plants on the quality of soil organic matter and soil fertility. Revista Ciência Agronômica, 52: e20196697.

  5. LINDNER, A. & D. SATTLER. 2011. Biomass estimations in forests of different disturbance history in the Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. New Forests, 43: 287-301.

  6. MISSAGIA, C. C. C. & M. A. S. ALVES, 2015. The rate of visitation by Amazilia fimbriata (Apodiformes: Trochilidae) influences seed production in Tillandsia stricta (Bromeliaceae). ZOOLOGIA 32 (3): 260–262.  

  7. MISSAGIA, C. C. C. & M. A. S. ALVES, 2016. Territorial foraging behavior in the male Violet-capped Woodnymph is dependent on the density of patches of inflorescences of Heliconia spathocircinata Aristeg. (Heliconiaceae) in the Brazilian Atlantic forest. Braz. J. Bot.  39: 1145–1150  

  8. MISSAGIA, C. C. C.  & M. A. S. ALVES, 2021. Florivory by the occupants of phytotelmata in flower parts can decrease host plant fecundity, Current Zoology, zoab015.

  9. NEHREN, U.; A. KIRCHNER, D. SATTLER, A. TURETTA & J. HEINRICH. 2013. Impact of natural climate change and historical land use on landscape development in the Atlantic Rainforest of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Anais Academia Brasileira de Ciências 85(2): 497-518.

  10. NERES-LIMA, V.; F. MACHADO-SILVA,  D. F. BAPTISTA et al. 2017.  Allochthonous and autochthonous carbon flows in food webs of tropical forest streams. Freshwater Biol.62:1012–1023.

  11. SATTLER, D.; L. T. MURRAY, A. KIRCHNER & A. LINDNER. 2014. Influence of soil and topography on aboveground biomass accumulation and carbon stocks of afforested pastures in South Eastern Brazil. Ecological Engineering 73: 126-131.

  12. SATTLER, D. & A. LINDNER. 2009. On the influence of Climate Seasonality on leaf area index and canopy openness of a fragmented tropical montane forest in Rio de Janeiro, BRAZIL pp.245-258 in Gaese at al.ed: Biodiversity and land use systems in the fragmented Mata Atlântica of Rio de Janeiro. Edition: Cuvillier, Göttingen.  

  13. SILVA-JUNIOR, E. F. & T. P. MOULTON, 2011. Ecosystem Functioning and Community Structure as Indicators for Assessing Environmental Impacts: Leaf Processing and Macroinvertebrates in Atlantic Forest Streams. Internat. Rev. Hydrobiol. 96: 656-666.

  14. STEIN, K. & I. HENSEN, 2013. The reproductive biology of two understory plants in the Atlantic rain forest, Brazil. Ecol. Res., 28: 593–602.


  1. ALENCAR, J.; C. F. de MELLO, N. M. SERRA-FREIRE et al., 2016. Biodiversity and Temporal Distribution of Immature Culicidae in the Atlantic Forest, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. PLoS ONE 11(7): e0159240.  

  2. ALENCAR, J.; C. F. de MELLO, A. É. GUIMARÃES et al. 2015. Culicidae Community Composition and Temporal Dynamics in Guapiaçu Ecological Reserve, Cachoeiras de Macacu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. PLoS. ONE 10(3): e0122268.

  3. BAPTISTA, R. L. C.; P. DE S. CASTANHEIRA, G. A. OLIVEIRA &  A. W. DO PRADO,  2020. Descriptions of three new species of jumping-spiders, genus Arnoliseus (Araneae, Salticidae), from Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil, with comments on their genital morphology and a key to species. Zoosystematics and Evolution. 96: 73-90.   

  4. BIZARRO, J. M. S & A. SOARES, 2013. Semomesia geminus (Fabricius, 1793) (Lepidoptera: Riodinidae: Mesosemiini): First records for Rio de Janeiro and Pernambuco states, range extension  […] . Check List 8(3): 548-550.

  5. CHELMICK, D. G. 2000. The Dragonflies of Brazil. A Key to the Larvae. Macromia Ed. 66p.

  6. DE SOUZA CASTANHEIRA, P. & R. L. C. BAPTISTA, 2020 . Notes on slender species of the long-jawed spider genus Tetragnatha (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) with description of three new species. ZOOTAXA (ONLINE) 4768: 43-75.  

  7. ELIZALDE, L. & J. M QUEIROZ, 2013. Parasitoids of Acromyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) Leaf-Cutting Ants in Continuous and Fragmented Atlantic Forest. Sociobiology 60(4): 397-404.

  8. FERREIRA, P. P. S. & D. RODRIGUES, 2015. Sabotaging Behavior and Decision-Making in Larvae of the Queen Butterfly Danaus gilippus. J Insect Behav. 28: 460–472

  9. MARTIN, A.; A. SOARES & J. M. S. BIZARRO, 2011. A Guide to the Hawkmoths of the Serra dos Orgaos. REGUA Publications, printed by Information Press, Eynsham, Osford UK, 143pp, 171 figs + 37pl.

  10. MATTOS, I  & J. R. M. MERMUDES, 2016. First survey of the Passalidae (Coleoptera, Scarabaeoidea) species from Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu (REGUA), Cachoeiras de Macacu, RJ, Brazil. Check List 12(3): 1893.   

  11. MATTOS, I  & J. R. M. MERMUDES, 2018. A new species of Passalus ( Passalus ) from Atlantic Rainforest, with a key and checklist for the Brazilian Petrejus group (Coleoptera, Passalidae). Journal of Natural History, 52: 2351-2367.

  12. NUNES, V. C. da SILVA ; E. J. L. de MATOS, W. LIMA, S. VAZ, J. R. M. MERMUDES & L. F. L. da SILVEIRA, 2021. Lights Ahead: Morphology and Life Stages of the Spotted Tortoise Firefly, Aspisoma sticticum Gemminger, 1870 – Fireflies with a Unique Extra Pair of Lanterns on the Larval Pronotum (Coleoptera: Lampyridae). Annales Zoologici 71(1): 153-178.

  13. OLIVEIRA, M. V. de; E. C. B. de FRANÇA, R. M. FEITOSA et al. 2018. Ninhos de Atta sexdens (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) podem afetar a estrutura da assembleia de artrópodes do solo na Mata Atlântica? Iheringia, Sér. Zool., 108: 1-8. 

  14. PINTO, A. P. & T. KOMPIER, 2018. In honor of conservation of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: description of two new damselflies of the genus Forcepsioneura discovered in private protected areas (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). ZOOLOGIA 35: 1-19

  15. SILVA, J. dos S.; M. S. COURI, A. P. de L. GIUPPONI, J. ALENCAR, 2014. Mosquito fauna of the Guapiaçu Ecological Reserve, Cachoeiras de Macacu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, collected under the influence of different color CDC light traps. J. Vector Ecol., 39(2): 384-394.  

  16. SILVEIRA, L. F. L. ; G. KHATTAR, S. VAZ, V. A. WILSON, P. M. SOUTO, J. R. M. MERMUDES, K. F. STANGER-HALL, M. V. MACEDO & R. F. MONTEIRO, 2020. Natural history of the fireflies of the Serra dos Órgãos mountain range (Brazil: Rio de Janeiro) – one of the ‘hottest’ firefly spots on Earth, with a key to genera (Coleoptera: Lampyridae), Jour. of Nat. History, 54: 5-6, 275-308.

  17. SOARES, A.; J. M. S. BIZARRO, C. B. BASTOS et al. 2011.  Preliminary Analysis of the Diurnal Lepidoptera Fauna of the Três Picos State Park, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, with a note on Parides ascanius (Cramer, 1775). Tropical Lepidoptera Research 21(2): 66-79.

  18. VICK, G. S. & D. G. CHELMICK; 2001. A preliminary report on the odonata fauna of Guapi Açu, a nature reserve in the Atlantic coast forest of Brazil, with taxonomic notes and annotations. Opusc. zool. flumin. 200: 1-11.


  1. ALMEIDA-GOMES, M. & C. F. D. ROCHA, 2014. Diversity and Distribution of Lizards in Fragmented Atlantic Forest Landscape in Southeastern Brazil. Journal of Herpetology 48:423-429.

  2. ALMEIDA-GOMES, M. & C. F. D. ROCHA, 2014. Landscape connectivity may explain anuran species distribution in an Atlantic forest fragmented area. Landscape Ecol., 29:29–40.

  3. ALMEIDA-GOMES, M. & C. F. D. ROCHA. 2015. Habitat Loss Reduces the Diversity of Frog Reproductive Modes in an Atlantic Forest Fragmented Landscape. BIOTROPICA 47(1): 113–118.

  4. ALMEIDA-GOMES, M.; C. F. D. ROCHA & M. V. VIEIRA. 2015. Anuran community composition along two large rivers in a tropical disturbed landscape. ZOOLOGIA 32: 9–13.

  5. ALMEIDA-GOMES, M; C. F. D. ROCHA & M. V. VIEIRA. 2016. Local and Landscape Factors Driving the Structure of Tropical Anuran Communities: Do Ephemeral Ponds have a Nested Pattern? Biotropica 48: 365-372.

  6. ALMEIDA-GOMES, M.; D. VRCIBRADIC, T. MAIA-CARNEIRO & C. D. F. ROCHA et al., 2012. Diet and endoparasites of the lizard Gymnodactylus darwinii (Gekkota, Phyllodactylidae) from an Atlantic Rainforest area in southeastern Brazil. Biotemas, 25 (1): 203-206.

  7. ALMEIDA-GOMES, M; C. C. SIQUEIRA, V. N. T. BORGES BORGES-JÚNIOR et al. 2014. Herpetofauna of the Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu (REGUA) and its surrounding areas, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Biota Neotrop. 14: 1-15.

  8. ALMEIDA-GOMES, M; M. V. VIEIRA, C. F. D. ROCHA, J. P. METZGER & G. DE COSTER. 2016. Patch size matters for amphibians in tropical fragmented landscapes. Biological Conservation 195: 89-96.

  9. ALVES, M. A. S.; C. E. L. ESBERARD, M. B. VECCHI, T. F. S. LAURINDO & V. C. TOMAZ. 2005. Pseustes sulphureus (South American puffing snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 36 (4): 459.  

  10. AMARAL, C. R. L.; A. C. S. CHAVES, V. N. T. BORGES-JÚNIOR et al. 2019. Amphibians on the hotspot: Molecular biology and conservation in the South American Atlantic Rainforest. PLoS ONE 14(10): e0224320.  

  11. BORGES-JÚNIOR, V. N. T. & C. F. D. ROCHA. 2013. Tropical tadpole assemblages: which factors affect their structure and distribution?. OECOLOGIA AUSTRALIS (17): 217-228.

  12. COCO, L; V. N. T. BORGES-JÚNIOR, L. A. FUSINATTO et al. 2014. Feeding habits of the leaf litter frog Haddadus binotatus (Anura, Craugastoridae) from two Atlantic Forest areas in southeastern Brazil. An. Acad. Bras. Ciênc., 86 (1): 239-249.

  13. DORIGO, T. A.; C. C. SIQUEIRA, D. VRCIBRADIC et al. 2012. Ecological aspects of the pumpkin toadlet, Brachycephalus garbeanus Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920 (Brachycephalidae), in a highland forest of southeastern Brazil. J. Nat. Hist, 46 :2497-2507.

  14. DORIGO, T. A.; T. MAIA-CARNEIRO, M. ALMEIDA-GOMES et al. 2014. Diet and helminths of Enyalius brasiliensis (Lacertilia, Iguania, Leiosauridae) in an Atlantic Rainforest remnant in southeastern Brazil. Braz. J. Biol., 74: 199-204

  15. FUSINATTO, L. A.; J. ALEXANDRINO, C. F. B. HADDAD et al. 2013. Cryptic Genetic Diversity Is Paramount in Small-Bodied Amphibians of the Genus Euparkerella (Anura: Craugastoridae) Endemic to the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. PLoS ONE 8(11): e79504.

  16. FUSINATTO, L. A.;  F. LOPES, A. SILVA-FERREIRA et. al. 2013. Development of microsatellite markers for the Neotropical endemic Brazilian Guanabara frog, Euparkerella brasiliensis, through 454 shotgun pyrosequencing. Genetics and Molecular Research, 12: 230-234.

  17. GOYANNES-ARAÚJO, P.; M. ALMEIDA-GOMES, V. N. BORGES-JUNIOR., H. G. ALBUQUERQUE, D. VRCIBRADIC, C. F. D. ROCHA, 2009. Reptilia, Polychrotidae, Anolis fuscoauratus: Distribution extension. Check List 5(3): 746–748.  

  18. KLAION, T.; M. ALMEIDA-GOMES, L. E. R. TAVARES et al., 2011. Diet and nematode infection in Proceratoprhys boiei (Anura: Cycloramphidae) from two Atlantic rainforest remnants in Southeastern Brazil. An. Acad. Bras. Cienc. 83 (4): 1-10.

  19. MAIA-CARNEIRO, T.; M. ALMEIDA-GOMES, C. C. SIQUEIRA, D. VRCIBRADIC, M. C. KIEFER & C. F. D. ROCHA. 2011. Diet of the lizard Ecpleopus  gaudichaudii (Gymnophthalmidae) in Atlantic Rainforest, state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. ZOOLOGIA 28 (5): 587–592.

  20. MAIA-CARNEIRO, T.; T. A. DORIGO, M. ALMEIDA-GOMES et al. 2012. Feeding habits, microhabitat use, and daily activity of Cycloramphus brasiliensis (Anura: Cycloramphidae) from the Atlantic Rainforest, Brazil. ZOOLOGIA 29: 277–279.

  21. MAIA-CARNEIRO, T.; T. A. DORIGO, M. ALMEIDA-GOMES et al. 2012. New altitudinal records of the endemic species Cycloramphus brasiliensis (Anura, Cycloramphidae) from the Atlantic Rainforest in the state of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. Braz. J. Biol., 72: 225-226.

  22. POMBAL, J. P; C. C. SIQUEIRA, T. A. DORIGO et al., 2008. A third species of the rare frog genus Holoaden (Terrarana, Strabomantidae) from a montane rainforest area southeastern Brazil. Zootaxa 1938:61-68.  

  23. ROCHA, C. F  D.; C. C. SIQUEIRA, C. V. ARIANI et al. 2015. Differential success in sampling of Atlantic Forest amphibians among different periods of the day. Braz. J. Biol., 75: 261-267.  

  24. ROCHA, C. F. D.; M. KIEFER, M. ALMEIDA-GOMES et al. 2007. A survey of the leaf-litter frog community from an Atlantic forest area (Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu) in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, with an estimate of frog densities. Tropical Zoology 20 (1): 99-108.

  25. SIQUEIRA, C. C.; D. VRCIBRADIC,  M. ALMEIDA-GOMES et al. 2009. Density and richness of leaf litter frogs (Amphibia: Anura) of na Atlantic Rainforest area in the Serra dos Órgãos, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. ZOOLOGIA (Curitiba), 26(1): 97-102.

  26. SIQUEIRA, C.C., D. VRCIBRADIC , M. ALMEIDA-GOMES & C. F. D. Rocha, 2021. Assessing the importance of reproductive modes for the evaluation of altitudinal distribution patterns in tropical frogs. Biotropica, 53: 786-797.

  27. SIQUEIRA, C. C.; D. VRCIBRADIC, P. NOGUEIRA-COSTA et al. 2014. Environmental parameters affecting the structure of leaf-litter frog (Amphibia: Anura) communities in tropical forests: a case study from an Atlantic Rainforest area in southeastern Brazil. Zoologia (Curitiba) 31(2): 147-152.  

  28. SIQUEIRA, C. C.; D. VRCIBRADIC & C. F. D. ROCHA, 2013. Altitudinal records of data-deficient and threatened frog species from the Atlantic Rainforest of the Serra dos Órgãos mountains, in southeastern Brazil. Braz. J. Biol. 72(1): 229-230.

  29. VRCIBRADIC, D.; M. ALMEIDA-GOMES, C. C. SIQUEIRA, V. N. T. BORGES-JUNIOR & C. F. D. ROCHA, 2011. Oxyrhopus petola digitalis (False Coral Snake): Prey. Herpetol. Rev. 42(2): 299-300.  


  1. SOARES, B. E.; T. F. BARROS, D. T. HASHIGUTI, D. C. PEREIRA, K. C. F. FERREIRA, É. P. CARAMASCHI, 2020. Traditional approaches to estimate length at first maturity (L50) retrieve better results than alternative ones in a Neotropical heptapterid. J Fish Biol. 97: 1393– 1400.


  1. BERNARDO, C. S. S. 2010. Reintrodução de mutuns-do-sudeste Crax blumenbachii (Cracidae) na Mata Atlântica da Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu (Cachoeiras de Macacu, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil). 153 PP. Tese (doutorado) – Universidade Estadual Paulista, Instituto de Biociências de Rio Claro.  

  2. BERNARDO, C. S. S.; B. CRESSWELL, H. LLOYD et al. 2011a. Selection of radio transmitter and attachment method for post-release monitoring of captive-bred reintroduced Red-billed Curassow Crax blumenbachii, Brazil. Eur J Wildl Res. 57: 689–694.

  3. BERNARDO, C. S. S.; H. LLOYD, F. OLMOS, L. F. CANCIAN & M. GALETTI. 2011b. Using post-release monitoring data to optimize avian reintroduction programs: a 2-year case study from the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest. Animal Conservation, 14: 676-686.

  4. BERNARDO, C. S. S.; H. LLOYD, N. BAYLY & M. GALETTI. 2011c. Modelling post-release survival of reintroduced Red-billed Curassows Crax blumenbachii. Ibis 153: 562–572. 

  5. BERNARDO, C. S. S. & N. LOCKE,  2014. Reintroduction of red-billed curassow Crax blumenbachii to Guapiaçu Ecological Reserve, Brazil. Conservation Evidence. 11: 7.  

  6. MALLET- RODRIGUES, F & M. L. M. de NORONHA. 2009. Birds in the Parque Estadual dos Três Picos, Rio de Janeiro state, south- east Brazil. Cotinga 31: 96-107.  

  7. MALLET-RODRIGUES, F; R. PARRINI, L. M. S. PIMENTEL & R. BESSA, 2010. Altitudinal distribution of birds in a mountainous region in southeastern Brazil. ZOOLOGIA 27: 503–522.

  8. PIMENTEL, L. M. S. & F. OLMOS, 2011. The birds of Reserva Ecológica Guapiaçu (REGUA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Cotinga 33: 8–24


  1. ATTIAS, N.; D. S. L. RAICES, F. S. PESSOA,  H. G. ALBUQUERQUE, T. JORDÃO-NOGUEIRA, T. C. MODESTO; H. G. BERGALLO, 2009. Potential distribution and new records of Trinomys species (Rodentia: Echimyidae) in Rio de Janeiro State. Zoologia 26(2): 305-315.

  2. BRITO, D.; C. E. V. GRELLE & J. P. BOUBLI, 2008. Is the Atlantic Forest protected area network efficient in keeping viable populations of Brachyteles hypoxanthus?. Biodiversity and Conservation  17 (13): 3255-3268.  

  3. CARVALHO, I. D.; R. OLIVEIRA & A. S. PIRES, 2014. Medium and large-sized mammals of the Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu, Cachoeiras de Macacu, RJ. Biota Neotropica 14(3): e20140074 10.1590/1676-06032014007414

  4. CUNHA, A. A.; C. E. V. GRELLE & J. P. BOUBLI. 2009. Distribution, population size and conservation of the endemic muriquis (Brachyteles spp.) of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Oryx, 43: 254-257.  

  5. GODOY, M. S. M., W. D. CARVALHO  &  C. E. L. ESBERARD, 2014. Reproductive biology of the bat Sturnira lilium (Chiroptera, Phyllostomidae) in the Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Biology. 74(4): 913-922

  6. PIMENTEL, L. M. S. 2005. Inventário de Mamíferos Selvagens na Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu (REGUA). Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Medicina Veterinária). Faculdades Unificadas Serra dos Órgãos. .XV + 53pp.

  7. RANGEL, D. A.; C. V. LISBOA, R. L. M. NOVAES et al. 2019. Isolation and characterization of trypanosomatids, including Crithidia mellificae, in bats from the Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 13(7): e0007527

  8. SOUZA, R, F.; R. L. M. NOVAES, A. SIQUEIRA  et al. 2015. Bats (Mammalia, Chiroptera) in a remnant of Atlantic Forest, Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. Neotropical Biology and Conservation. 10(1): 9-14  

  9. SOUZA, R. F. ; R. L. M. NOVAES, S. FELIX et al. 2013. First record of leucism in Artibeus lituratus (Olfers, 1818) (Phyllostomidae) in Brazil. Chiroptera Neotropical, 19:.1216-1219  


Aqui estão listados os artigos científicos que a REGUA contribuiu para o seu desenvolvimento direta, ou indiretamente.

Os artigos estão divididos em suas respectivas áreas de estudo.

  1. FERRASSOLI, M. A. 2006. Geologia do Maciço Granítico dos Frades, Parque Estadual dos Três Picos, Nova Friburgo – Teresópolis, (RJ). Monografia de Graduação. Faculdade de Geologia, UERJ. Rio de Janeiro, 65pp.            //

  2. HEINRICH, J.; U. NEHREN & D. SATTLER, 2010. Waldfragmente des brasilianischen Küstengebirges. Geographische Rundshau 62(9): 34-40.

  3. KIRCHNER, A.; U. NEHREN, H. BEHLING & J.  HEINRICH. 2015. Mid- and late Holocene fluvial dynamics in the tropical Guapi-Macacu catchment, Southeast Brazil: The role of climate change and human impact. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 426: 308-318.

  4. NEHREN, U.; A. KIRCHNER & J. HEINRICH. 2016. What do yellowish-brown soils and stone layers tell us about Late Quaternary landscape evolution and soil development in the humid tropics? A field study in the Serra dos Órgãos, Southeast Brazil. Catena 137: 173-190.

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